A Simple Framework for Overcoming Doubt

Senior leader working and struggling with self doubt, confidence, and the inner critic

Have you ever done something that on it’s face, didnt seem big, but made you doubt yourself? 

Can I do this? 

Will they think I’m a fraud? 

Do I belong in this room? 

Am I good enough?

The first thing to know is that this is completely normal. I dont like to speak in absolutes, but everyone struggles with self-doubt from time to time.

It’s part modern society, part human nature, and part our evolution.

If you are in a season of self-doubt, read on for my 4 part framework to help turn self-doubt into grounded self-confidence.

I call it, Run Your Own Race 

R - Reflect on the Root 

Where does your self-doubt come from? Past experiences? Comparisonitis? Fear? Perfectionism? Understanding what triggers self-doubt is the first step to help neurtralize it. 

A - Affirm Your Abilities 

Truly what are you good at? What are you capable of? What have you done, both big and small. Making a physical list (yes, with a pen and paper) is one of the quickest ways to remember who you are. 

C - Challenge your Inner Critic 

Is the criticism realistic? Is it exaggerated at best or unfound at worst? Hint…if you find yourself saying things like “I never” or “I always” it’s a sign that the Inner Critic is at work. 

E - Execute with Confidence 

Do the things you know to do. Taking consistent, meaningful action is the number one way to prove to yourself that you are good enough, that you have what it takes, and that you do, in fact, belong in the room. 


Want to see how this framework applies to you and see it in action? 

Schedule a complementary strategy session with me today and let’s put you on the road to lasting self-confidence 


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