A Simple Formula for Feedback

Shannon, a leader of a non-profit and client, called me on Friday and had a question. 

She's relatively new in her role, just 2 months, and is getting a lot of really great feedback from her leader. She likes the work, she likes the organization. Everything seems great. 

But her boss has also dropped a few small comments that are making her wonder if she's really doing as well as she thinks she is (hello self doubt!) and if her work load is about to explode to more than she can (or wants to) handle. 

The combo self-doubt AND worry can lead to overwhelm, loss of confidence, and burnout. 

I shared a framework with her that I want to share with you too! 

This framework is helpful when: 

  1. you made a big transition at work (either a new role or a new company)

  2. you finished a major project or hit a milestone

  3. at the start a new month, quarter, or year

  4. you want to do some deep personal reflection

  5. you want to build a professional development plan

  6. you’re leading a brand new team

  7. need actionable objective feedback

That’s one powerful tool!

The Start - Stop - Continue Framework

Start - what should you Start doing? Perhaps this is something you already know how to do, but arent doing it yet. Perhaps this is a new skill you need to acquire.

Stop - what should you Stop doing? This can either be corrective (i.e. you are doing something wrong and shouldn’t be doing that thing) or informative (i.e. you’re doing something that isnt a value ad OR someone else on your team should be doing it instead).

Continue - What should you continue doing? What are you doing well and should keep doing.

I share a lot of other feedback frameworks with my clients, but this one is one of the most simple and most effective!

I urge you to try it this week!

Your coach,

Vicki Abelson


A Simple Framework for Overcoming Doubt